What is the duty of an Advertiser? That in itself is a very thought-provoking question.
What is the duty of an Advertiser?
That in itself is a very thought-provoking question. The obvious answer is:
To portray a product or service in a positive light as to convince consumers to purchase said product or service, as well as build consumer confidence in order to create brand loyalty for our clients.
And, we would be doing a disservice to our clients by not working to our full capabilities to boost their success. Wouldn’t we?
Yes, this is true, but at what cost to the safety of the public? Do we not also owe the consumer the right to enjoy these abundant commodities without fear of negative repercussions to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
I say we do.
In our modern technological world we are bombarded by a constant stream of information/disinformation. Realistically, we are being advertised to from the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep, sometimes without even realizing it.
So, with that said, the unknown duty of an Advertiser is to make sure that those messages are disseminated with care. We must all take responsibility in the messages we create. Besides, nobody likes being lied to. It just seems to make more sense that if a consumer trusts that your client’s product/service won’t harm them or their family, and actually provides a positive experience, then said consumer would be more likely to choose your client’s brand in the future.
On the other hand, by offering a product/service that has no usefulness, or worse, could threaten the safety of consumers, you do nothing but alienate your target market and potentially put your company in financial or legal jeopardy.
As the old adage goes: “Honesty is the best policy.” As an industry it is our duty to correct the more dishonest business practices some of our less trustworthy forefathers implemented before us.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I don’t believe that we should forego creativity in order to do right by our clients. Creativity is not the issue (unless the creative idea itself is an outright lie), deception is.
Advertising not only has the ability to help strengthen Capitalism, it is a powerful foundation to inform and enlighten the masses. With so many advances in technology, and so many more people hearing our messages than ever before, our industry now has the best chance to make a positive impact on future generations. Through better buying habits Advertising can be the catalyst of change this world needs, and it all starts with a better message.
What will yours be?